Have you started to notice that you and your partner go through the motions everyday?
You might even say the passion is gone and you want it back. What happened? Where did it go? You were so in love when you first met! You had hopes, dreams and expectations for your life together with this person. Perhaps you are:
During the time you have been together, things have happened that you are stuck with. Perhaps he:
You held a grudge and have not forgiven him. How can you get that spark back? In the last email I sent, you began to think about how to love yourself and the thing is, you will need to love him just as you love yourself if you want a renewed connection. Therefore, what you can do to create a closer relationship with your partner mirrors what you do to love yourself. #1 Learn to forgive him for everything at all times. Everytime you want to make him wrong - just stop it. Communicate what is not working, make requests and forgive. We are all doing the best that we can. #2 Write down everything that works about him and your life. What do you love and appreciate about your life together? What have you accomplished together? What would your friends say works about your relationship? What’s next? What new adventures can you create? #3 Ask yourself, what do I need from my partner and what does he need from me? COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE - This is the key to love in a relationship. If you’re struggling to answer these questions - or you feel like you need support to generate a new spark of passion in your relationship on your own, ...It’s time to schedule a Free Psych-K session. We’ll do a relationship balance with that person (he doesn’t have to be present - nor does he even need to know you’re thinking about this issue)... which will leave both you and him in a balanced state with one another. You’ll be shocked by how this process shifts your energy which often shifts the other’s energy, resulting in unexpected results. You might have an experience like Christy. We balanced her relationships with her mother and in the balance she wanted to hear her mother say, “I’m proud of the choices you’ve made in your life.” Within days of this, her mother sent her a Valentine’s Day card with that exact sentiment written in it. This is something her mother had never said before. They talked on the phone later that week and had one of the best conversations ever! What would you most like to hear from your partner? What if you could hear it without him being present? How might this change the energy between you?
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You have issues in your life that you’ve been trying to resolve for years. Perhaps you’ve spent a lot of time, on & off, in therapy to the tune of $3000 -$5000 per year. Or maybe you’ve spent... More than $5K in a couples program.. Invested in coaching programs that have cost you $6000 - $12000 a year. Maybe you’ve even invested in an eating disorders clinic to the tune of $1100 per month. Have you invested in personal self-development programs that cost $6000 or more? The amazing thing about my work with PSYCH-K® is that it’s proven to me that many deep-seated issues can be resolved.. In 8 sessions and at a fraction of the cost of these other programs. The funny thing is, I don’t promise you any results, except that you will become “whole-brained” in relation to the issue you’re dealing with and that your subconscious and super-conscious mind will be aligned… Making it SO MUCH EASIER to achieve your new goals. When this is achieved, resistance to your goal being manifested falls away. This results in a shift in your thinking, feeling and perceiving which manifests in your ability to view things differently and be able to easily take new actions. For me this has resulted in: Freedom - I am no longer limited by my age (68) Power - I am generating more business than ever Joy - I am present. My past does not rear its head at all anymore Satisfaction - I am present in each moment Abundance - I have more than doubled my income, and it keeps growing! My work with clients blows me away every day. Eating disorders disappeared Weight lost Relationships renewed Increases in income Rape and incest issues released Family restored Anxiety released I offer a FREE first session because I want you to get the experience of PSYCH-K® and then you decide if working with me seems like a good fit. We work in 8 session packages, and most people get what they want in that time frame. You will NEVER be pressured to buy anything because - simply - I only work with people who feel the fit. It’s time for the things holding you back from your past to fall away. Click here to set up your FREE session. “Working with Patti has been one of the most transformative eight weeks of my life. My 17-year-old daughter wanted to move out because she was so angry with me. When I contacted Patti, she recommended we coach with her individually. Before we could even get started, my boyfriend of 2-1/2 years moved out. I was in a very vulnerable place. Through my work with Patti and Psych-K®, I was able to release old patterns and learned to love myself at a new level. My relationship with my daughter has improved greatly and she is happier and more outgoing. She values her sessions with Patti as much as I do. Even my 22-year-old daughter and I have a renewed relationship that is void of the past hurt. I've created new patterns around exercise and well-being and let go of my toxic relationships. I feel more balanced and in the flow than ever before. I highly recommend!!” Tonja Waring, TX Love is something you want to feel and experience.
What is LOVE? Love is strong affection, attraction, admiration, benevolence, warmth & devotion towards someone or something. You crave love, yet the catch 22 is: until you love yourself, you’ll never be able to fully love another or receive love from another. You might not know exactly HOW to do that - it sounds great, but WHAT DOES THAT REALLY MEAN? How can you love yourself? If you grew up in a difficult environment, it may seem like you’re just stuck with negative emotions toward yourself and others. My client, Abby, had her mother living with her and she was not happy. Her mother stirred up old wounds and memories from childhood that resulted in Abby being angry and resentful all the time. Her mother always “shut her up” when she tried to express herself - what she wanted or needed- and told her to be grateful for what she had - how lucky she was. All her life, Abby’s had difficulty feeling like she’s heard by those in her life - her daughter, ex-husband, etc. Abby does not have much compassion or love for herself. She loves her mother AND resents her and has no patience with her. She feels frenetic and unhinged being around her. Abby is beginning to realize that loving herself is her first priority and unless she’s making herself heard and honoring her own magnificence, she is unable to see the people in her life in the present, not the past. Every time Abby looks at someone in her life, she sees how they were & how they treated her in the past. It makes her feel unlovable - and she wants to put an end to it... She also sees that by holding onto the anger and resentment from the past, she’s unable to experience her life and the life of others in the present. Everything is seen through a filter from the past. What does living in the past keep you from? How can you admire yourself, bring benevolence, warmth and devotion to yourself? How can you be affectionate to yourself? Some things that have helped me are: #1 Learn to forgive yourself for everything at all times. This will bring you to a spiritual place. You have to work at it and be dedicated to strengthening this muscle. Everytime you want to beat yourself up - just stop it. There is nothing you have done, or will do that you can’t be forgiven for. #2 Write down everything that works about you. Be bold, be proud, brag. What do you like about your body? What do you like about your personality or values? What have you done right in your life? What would your friends say works about you? What are you proud of? #3 Ask yourself, What nurtures me or what makes me feel good or special - and fill your life with these things. Examples: Who do you love to connect with? - create consistent times to be together (mostly on Zoom now), what do you love to do - reading, sewing, yoga, etc. - get it structured into your life., What do you love to eat? - make it or buy it. What else makes you feel loved? - massage, candle lit bath, sauna, etc. - get them scheduled. If none of these things work, it’s not your fault. You simply have some programming in your subconscious mind that keeps negative thinking and acting patterns in place. This programming can be altered. Literally I watch people every day melt away their past patterns and start to live the life they’re craving. You can have this too. It’s not that these people are special - it’s that they’re willing to try a new option! It’s time for you to learn more. To get past those patterns. Schedule a Free Psych-K session with me, and enjoy the immediate relief that most of my clients experience... PSYCH-K® is a process that allows you to access your subconscious and superconscious minds and create alignment around goals you have where there is resistance.
According to Bruce Lipton, the author of The Biology of Belief, during the first seven years of your life, you are simply recording into your subconscious mind. This is a good thing because it allows you to learn many things that support you in your life. However, you are also recording the belief systems around you and the decision you make about yourself based on things happening to you and around you. The subconscious relates like everything it records is true and it’s job is to keep you safe. Therefore it will keep things in place you no longer need as you grow older. Your subconscious beliefs are in play all the time and end up restricting your life - IF we don’t deal with them? Any area of your life where you keep “trying” to make a change and keep encountering “resistance” is an area where something is hidden in your subconscious and needs to be transformed. In PSYCH-K®, we use a simple method of determining what you really want and balancing it so that all resistance falls away. This can result in immediate results like the ones mentioned above or subtle results over time. One client told me that she looked at her notes from 12 years ago and realized everything she had balanced had manifested in her life. Results I have experience with my clients are: Fear of flying and elevators disappeared Fear of heights disappeared Relationships transformed without having to ask the other for anything Weight loss and increased health Increased ability to earn money/ask for money Finding the ideal job Sexual trauma resolved Letting go of the past and being present now Increased self-love and self-esteem Eight sessions of PSYCH-K® seems to resolve all immediate and important issues. I offer my first session FREE with no pressure to continue. The first session alone can completely shift your experience of living. Why not give it a try. |
Patti LustigI am the owner of SageThink: Inner Alignment. I help people discover negative beliefs that hold them back in various areas of their lives and rewrite those beliefs so that they experience freedom and power to fulfill their dreams in life. Archives
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