You might be pretty smart, but are you wise?
A smart person knows facts, and a wise person knows truths. A smart person can find a solution to a problem. A wise person avoids the problem altogether. They say that wisdom comes with age, but who wants to wait that long? It would be better to become wise as soon as possible. While experience matters, there are other ways to boost your wisdom to King Solomon levels. Over the next 3 weeks, I’ll give you some strategies to start becoming wiser today: 1. Read books. Books are perhaps the best way to gain wisdom quickly and at a young age. Smart people like to write books. Not-so-smart people like to write books, too. So, be picky about the books you choose.
Some examples from my life are:
You might think, I’ve read that before or I already know that or that won’t make a difference. You may tell yourself that you do not have time to read, but you do. A trick I use is to divide the number of pages in a book by the number of days I want to read it and surprisingly you can read a 500 page book by reading 16 pages a day. Anyone can do that! 2. Find a mentor. A mentor is an expert in an area of interest to you. A mentor can help you with your relationships, fitness, career, or any other specialized facet of life. The right mentor has a lot to share and can greatly add to your wisdom. Some examples from my life are:
Using a coach, mentor or trainer is one of the fastest ways to gain wisdom now. It will be well worth your investment. You are worth it. Older people know a lot. But you also frequently hear them say, “I wish I had known this when I was younger.” Luckily, you can learn a lot of things while you’re still young enough to benefit from them. You can start becoming wiser today. You don’t have to spend a lifetime making mistakes to become a wise person. If you’d like to learn from the wisdom of others, join a SAGE SUPPORT GROUP TODAY. Each week the members of the group support, encourage and teach one another. You get to try it for a month FREE and then decide if it could work for you. Contact me at [email protected] to join a group now. Learn from your experiences and the experiences of others. Read good books. Get a mentor. A little work now can pay off for the rest of your life.
What’s standing in the way of you reaching the level of success you desire, enjoying a great relationship, or seeing your abs for the first time?
Is the problem that you don’t know enough? No. Is there too much competition? Not even close. The only obstacle is a lack of mastery over yourself. Don’t believe it? You will. Are you in great shape? Do you only eat healthy foods? Why not? Is it because you’re confused about which foods are healthy and which are not? Are you confused about whether it’s better to exercise by running down the block or by sitting on the couch? Hardly. You know enough to make significant changes in your life. Knowledge isn’t the challenge. The challenge is managing yourself and your behaviors. Haven’t had a date in a year? Are you confused about how to get a date? The key to getting dates is to ask people out. How many people have you asked out in the last week?How many new people have you spoken to in the last week? Are you able to say the things that need to be said? Are you able to be silent when you know you should? Can you make yourself go to the gym or eat an apple instead of a piece of apple pie? Mastering yourself is the only goal you need to achieve. From that, you can achieve all your other goals! Use these strategies to become the master of yourself:
Self-mastery is the key. If you can master yourself, everything else becomes easy. It’s easy to get ahead at work. It’s easy to be healthy. It’s easy to save money and maintain relationships. Can you master yourself? Keep your attention on the long-term impact of behaviors and avoid short-term pleasures that lead to long-term challenges. Being aware is the first step, taking action is the next step and when you continue to struggle, resolving limiting beliefs on the subconscious level can make THE DIFFERENCE. Schedule a FREE Consultation today and get on the road to Self-Mastery. Are you sick and tired of winter?
Are you sick and tired of COVID? Winter and COVID seem connected. They both cause us to stay inside and go inward, while spring and the vaccine encourages us to release what we were carrying and spread our wings to fly. Are you carrying extra weight, unhealthy relationships, bad habits or anything else unnecessary? I realized that in the past year, I had put on a few pounds. I had even attempted to lose a few pounds but was discouraged at my slow progress. I became comfortable with where I was at (not gaining anymore) but finally realized I wanted to be lighter and to have my clothing fit more comfortably. I grappled for about 3 weeks with committing or not. I didn’t want to do something from the place of “I should” and I realized I had developed several bad habits. These included: eating chocolate several times a day, eating saltines with no awareness of the portion size, slathering toast with butter, etc. These are habits I know would lead to more weight gain. Finally I pulled the plug and signed up for a 6-month program on Weight Watchers. The first 3 days were tough. I was hungry. However by the 4th day, I felt good. I felt powerful and in control and my middle felt smaller. The 10 pounds I want to get rid of may take awhile but I know the focus on being in control will make a positive difference in many areas of my life. What could you take on that would give you a sense of accomplishment, empowerment or pride?
If you come up with something, it’s something you want to do even if your next thoughts are:
The average person listens to those thoughts as though they were true. The extraordinary person, hears those thoughts, thanks them for sharing, and makes a plan. If you are ready to be extraordinary, or go beyond your average and you feel stuck, schedule your Free Psych-K® Session and we will dig down and get you unstuck. Springtime is coming - a time of new growth.
You’ve survived the crazy winter weather - or it’s nearly over. You’re beginning to look forward to warmer, milder times. The plants are beginning to blossom and the grass is getting greener. How can you begin to grow and blossom, too? What new projects are you dreaming of taking on as the weather gets warmer?
You might come up with a project but find there’s something holding you back. You might think it’s time, money or energy but underneath it all, my guess is you’re struggling with one of these limiting thoughts: “I don’t deserve to spend the time writing my book.” “I know I can’t exercise because I’ll hurt my back again.” “I can’t hike alone but I’m afraid of getting COVID.” “I want to do X,Y, or Z with another but no one will be interested.” “I’d like to write my book but I’m probably no good at it.” “I don’t have time to write a book.” “If I get everything organized, it will just get messed up again.” “I’d like to try something new in my business, but I’ll probably be wasting my time.” “I’ve tried to do X,Y or Z before and failed so why would this time be any different?” “I’d like to do X, Y, or Z but I need help and I hate asking for help.” Identifying what’s really holding you back will give you the power to address it. Each of these limiting thoughts is keeping you from having what you’re dreaming of… How can you shift your limiting thoughts & beliefs? Follow my six step system:
Sometimes your limiting beliefs are too strong for you to handle and transform on your own, through conscious thought. If you worry this is the case, you’re not the only one. Most people have had these limiting thoughts for so long that they can’t see the way out on their own. Very normal. That’s why I invite you to schedule a FREE Psych-K session where we’ll work together to dislodge that limiting belief and get the alignment you need from your subconscious and super-conscious mind, So you can actually start taking steps forward and seeing RESULTS. |
Patti LustigI am the owner of SageThink: Inner Alignment. I help people discover negative beliefs that hold them back in various areas of their lives and rewrite those beliefs so that they experience freedom and power to fulfill their dreams in life. Archives
July 2021
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