You want to lose weight or you know someone who does.
You think about it everyday. You start the day with good intentions…but something always comes up to have you lose your willpower. It could be: Something upsetting, i.e. your husband is angry, a client cancels, your boss calls you out, your child or you feel ill, etc. You feel too tired. Your inner voice convinces you that you’ll never succeed at weight loss or anything else. You want a reward for something you accomplished. You end up feeling defeated once again. Often the only place you go to resolve this conflict is “ANOTHER DIET” that fails. Weight loss has so many deep components and it is never just a function of eating less and exercising more. You have to work through blocks on many levels to successfully release your weight and consistently live from a new construct. My client April is in her 50’s and has struggled with her weight since she was a teen. Just like you she had been on many diets and gained and lost 100’s of pounds. In our work together we focused on how weight was perceived in her family. She perceived herself as heavy although she wasn’t. Her father was obsessed with appearance, put her on a diet and told her she had to lose weight. As is often the case, she married a man who put her down after they had children because she wasn’t the size he desired. We did not focus on diet but kept working on releasing her past, forgiving her father and ex-husband, and designing who she wanted to be in relation to food and her body. We created alignment with statements like: I am safe, It’s safe to be thin, I am enough, I love and care for my body by eating healthy foods, I trust my instincts, I find ways to comfort myself other than food, and I am comfortable with feeling hungry, etc. As we worked together, I invited her to explore programs for weight loss that organically called to her with no pressure to do anything. She stumbled upon a book called, The Obesity Code, and got very excited by the science and research regarding fasting. Her goal was to not only lose weight but improve her health. She started playing with intermittent fasting and found that it worked for her. She had more energy and felt good. She didn’t restrict what she ate that much but the next time she weighed herself, she was 15 pounds down. This was a lifestyle she could maintain. In my work with people around weight, I work on getting to the root causes, clearing them up and trusting the person to be drawn to the lifestyle that works for them. I know from my own journey with weight (I was over 200 lbs. At one time) and my work with others that sustained success is always a function of resolving internal issues. Sometimes you can get to those issues consciously but often they live in the subconscious and must be accessed and cleared on an energetic level. If you have lived with the issue of carrying extra weight for many years and are ready to resolve that issue once and for all, please schedule a Complimentary PSYCH-K® Session NOW.
Patti LustigI am the owner of SageThink: Inner Alignment. I help people discover negative beliefs that hold them back in various areas of their lives and rewrite those beliefs so that they experience freedom and power to fulfill their dreams in life. Archives
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