Everybody wants to be free!
Yet, you often feel encumbered by thoughts and feelings. It just seems like they come over you and you’re stuck with them. Sometimes it seems impossible to shake it off. Meet Peggy, a woman in her 60’s, a woman who felt like she couldn’t succeed in business no matter how she tried. She learned her craft, worked hard, and had many clients but she still felt she was not successful. Money was not the issue. She just always felt that she had not succeeded and could not succeed. - This made no sense! In her case, she couldn’t even find anything negative in her childhood or life that correlated to this pervasive feeling. She kept changing her focus, thinking if she did something else, she might succeed. Peggy had already DONE everything: There are many tools and techniques to attempt to release and surrender negative beliefs. For instance:
One was, “Only men have permission to be successful.” and “Being small, keeps me safe.” This was an “ah-ha” moment for her. She now had some access to what was driving this feeling. We went further and began to invent new beliefs in her subconscious that aligned with who she wanted to experience herself as. Within a few weeks, she began to feel confident in a way she had never experienced before. She found working with her clients to be exhilarating, rather than scary. Her clients began praising her for the results they were gaining and people in her life were commenting on how beautiful, centered and calm she seemed. Sometimes what’s holding us back is illogical - even if we’ve done all the work! If you are ready to get to the bottom of it... yes! Click the button below to schedule a FREE Session.
Everybody wants to be free!
Yet, you often feel encumbered by thoughts and feelings. It just seems like they come over you and you’re stuck with them. Sometimes it seems impossible to shake it off. Meet Peggy, a woman in her sixties, who felt like she couldn’t succeed in business no matter how she tried. She learned her craft, worked hard, and had many clients, but she still felt she was not successful. Money was not the issue. She just always felt that she had not succeeded and could not succeed. This made no sense! In her case, she couldn’t even find anything negative in her childhood or life that correlated to this pervasive feeling. She kept changing her focus, thinking if she did something else, she might succeed. Peggy had already DONE everything: There are many tools and techniques to attempt to release and surrender negative beliefs. For instance:
One was, “Only men have permission to be successful.” and “Being small, keeps me safe.” This was an “ah-ha” moment for her. She now had some access to what was driving this feeling. We went further and began to invent new beliefs in her subconscious that aligned with who she wanted to experience herself as. Within a few weeks, she began to feel confident in a way she had never experienced before. She found working with her clients to be exhilarating, rather than scary. Her clients began praising her for the results they were gaining and people in her life were commenting on how beautiful, centered and calm she seemed. Sometimes what’s holding us back is illogical - even if we’ve done all the work! If you are ready to get to the bottom of your illogical beliefs... hooray for you! Click the link below to schedule a Free Psych-K Session. You’ve been wronged, right?
Somewhere in your life, someone else has hurt you. It’s happened to all of us. Perhaps you were hurt by a bully, some harsh words, or even something more serious like abuse, rape, or trauma. *No matter where our pain comes from, when others hurt us, we hold onto the pain. Why do we hold onto pain others have caused us throughout our past? It’s simple, really: your natural reaction is to protect yourself from this ever happening again! This decision or reaction lives in your subconscious mind, ready to keep you safe at a moment’s notice. The problem is, **your subconscious mind reacts to anything that feels similar in nature to pain you’ve already experienced. If you'd like to access your subconscious mind and begin to transform, click here to schedule a FREE session. This results in you being unwilling to take necessary risks to speak up when you feel wronged, to set limits with your spouse or children, or to fully express yourself in all areas of your life. This might manifest in the inability to be sexually satisfied, the fear of walking alone outside, the inability to lose weight, dissatisfaction in relationships, etc. You might be suffering like Ariel was. - click here to schedule a FREE session. ***As a 50-year-old woman, she was afraid to walk alone outside. She longed to free her body, but due to a sexual attack in her youth by a group of boys in a car, freedom was the LAST thing Ariel had. Whenever she walked outside - day or night - any car going by would catapult her back to that incident many years ago, inciting extreme fear and the need to flee to safety. Ariel also suffered because of some extra weight she carried - and was embarrassed about. In our work, she was able to access the pain related to her attack on a deeply subconscious level - and after a few months, she was able to let it go and actually forgive her attackers. After completing this work, she’s now able to run outside each day on her own, with no anxiety, dance for 45 minutes in her African dance class, & has lost over fifteen pounds! Ariel reports having an entirely different relationship to her body - she now describes a freedom, love, and acceptance where there was self-hatred & disgust before. Click here if you want to do a session about your pain. ****The work I do with people on the subconscious level is some of the most satisfying work I’ve ever experienced. I see deep transformation on all levels in such a short period of time, it blows my mind. If you are ready to let go of the pain others have caused you over the years, contact me to schedule a free sample session. Kari woke up angry every day because she’d gained weight and couldn’t stick to her diet.
Her mother’s refrain rang in her head, even long after high school was over: Being fat will ruin your life. She’d been haunted by those words all her life - losing, gaining, yet never at peace. Kari wondered what it would take for her to simply get to a comfortable weight and live her life with satisfaction. Was this even possible for her? Maybe being fat HAD ruined her life. She realized she needed to forgive her mother for instilling that harmful chatter inside her head. Kari realized her fit & trim mother was miserable inside her own body. She was haunted by the same belief that “Being fat will ruin your life.” Her mom had no freedom around food or in her body either. Compassion bubbled up in Kari for her mother and then for herself. She could finally see the ancestral nature of this pattern. When Kari realized this old story running in her head wasn’t her fault, she learned she could change it by being willing to forgive. I taught Kari how to forgive her mother, her grandmother and herself. Finally, Kari could take HELPFUL instead of HARMFUL actions around eating and exercise. She learned how to choose realistic goals because she saw her thoughts & feelings about her body were not personal, but rather something inherited that she could simply release. This new insight was worth more to her than any number of pounds lost. The weight came off & stayed off - easily. Her new body and attitude emerged as one. Addressing what or who you need to forgive to get the results you want can be a daunting or scary task. You may be worried that…. And answering these questions SOLELY on a conscious level has less impact than dealing with them at the subconscious CORE! To create a greater, more lasting impact, you’ll want a guide. And that’s why I offer a 6 session package of Psych-K Session. Psych-K is a process of accessing limited beliefs that live in your subconscious mind and rewriting them with so much more ease than you can imagine possible. Forgiveness costs nothing monetarily. Withholding forgiveness will cost you dearly - causing you to be a victim of your circumstances. You can spin your wheels, spend 1000’s of dollars & get nowhere working on your external issues - Just like Kari did with soooo much time & money spent on external solutions to her weight problem. When she addressed & accessed her internal strife, only then did she break the negative patterns keeping her so stuck. . If you know you need to forgive yourself…and others If you have extremely high expectations of yourself - and others… A Psych-K session can help you get to the core & solve it much more efficiently than many other external solutions. Ready to go within? Let’s set up your first session, at no cost to you. You will see shifts - real shifts - that will surprise & delight you. Click here to grab your session. |
Patti LustigI am the owner of SageThink: Inner Alignment. I help people discover negative beliefs that hold them back in various areas of their lives and rewrite those beliefs so that they experience freedom and power to fulfill their dreams in life. Archives
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