You’ve made it to the end of 2020.
It’s been a year of ups and downs. You might have:
Thanksgiving and Christmas are over. Can you take the last week of the year to reflect and relax? Many of my clients, friends and coaches are taking the final week of the year off. Normally my family is spending the week on the beach in Cancun but this year, I am spending the week in my tropical backyard, reading and sunning like I was on the beach in Mexico. How can you make the final week of 2020 a relaxing, nurturing experience? What relaxes and nurtures you?
You will have a more productive 2021 if you take some time to relax and regenerate in the last week of 2020. "Whatever you want your 2021 to look like - I am confident that squashing some of your old patterns is the path to get there. In one Psych-K® session, you will unwind things that have been keeping you stuck - subconsciously - for YEARS."
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You are coming to the end of an unusual year.
You may have hated it or you may have loved it. Either way your plans were thrown off. Next year you may get back to normal or you may not. How have you adapted? The myth about life is that we can make ourselves secure. You may have married for that reason or picked a certain career or had children in order to secure that you were loved. Some of these structures may have worked out and others may have fallen apart. The one sure thing in life is CHANGE. Your ability to weather change and bounce back by thriving to a greater degree is the true mastery of life. How will you bounce back in 2021? What are you dreaming about?
I struggled for many years to access the key to attracting the level of income that I could see others making in my industry. I was able to attract many clients but I could not ask for the compensation I deserved. Why did I want to make more money? I wanted to…
Money is only one symbol of abundance. It represents allowing love in from the universe and being able to stand for who you are and what you can give back. I dream of a world where all women can be compensated on the level of me. Women should be paid for their work as homemakers, teachers, nurses, nannies, housekeepers, etc. on the same level as doctors, lawyers, executives, etc. It takes money to make your dreams come true. What are you dreaming of? My money situation shifted after I began rewriting my beliefs about money using Psych-K®. At first, I noticed that more money was pouring into my husband's business. Next I began to charge more money for my packages and now I see a six-figure income showing up so easily. It’s like a switch was flipped and I live in a new universe. If you are ready to dream big in 2021, schedule a FREE Psych-K® session NOW. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Book your FREE PSYCH-K® Session Here’s to dreaming BIG in 2021. Whatever you want at the holidays, know you’re going to go through some really normal phases
You long to be at peace. Especially at this time of the year. But you often get sad, lonely and depressed during the Holiday Season. You might be:
The journey isn’t easy. You can read about positive thinking and feeling your feelings but none of these things seem to work when you’re experiencing deep sadness and regret. It’s all bullshit and you know it. It’s HARDER than many can imagine - and it makes you doubt yourself. And whatever you’ve been doing…it hasn’t gotten you where you want to go - so you DOUBT you can ever get there. (Pssst- you can. But you MUST go through this phase, my friend!) Ugggg, there are so many ways to get what you want! So much information! You’re trying all the things! And then - you feel paralyzed, stuck, inert, anxious, worried. Getting nowhere. The overwhelm phase is tough. It adds to the doubt - the fear - and it SUCKS UP YOUR ENERGY. But in this phase, you’re starting to think, “How are OTHER people finding the peace that alludes me? You probably just want to give UP! You’re exhausted, trying all the tactics. UGGGG (Shhhh - stop being mad at yourself for the overwhelm. We ALL go through it. You don’t have to stay there….you’ll eventually move into a new phase.) What if I never get the peace I want? What if I’m stuck HERE - in this shitty place - longing for things to be different forever? What if I can’t get out of the overwhelm? THIS phase really SUCKS! It’s scary because you start to look at your future and wonder, “Is this all there is? WILL IT EVER GET ANY BETTER? And what if it doesn’t? Can I handle that? (Hey - there’s some good news coming. The fear, overwhelm, and doubt all finally push you into the next phase.) An option exists out there, I know it! There must be SOMETHING that can work. There has to be SOMEONE who can HELP me heal my past traumas and find peace and possibility in my life moving forward. ONLY after you’ve gone through phasse 1 - 4 are you likely to get out of your own way... NOW in phase 5, you start to think about how to actually GET what you want! For example, my client Julie is divorced with four children. She lives in a small town and her ex-husband is the sheriff. She has been living with a number of extreme upsets for many years. 1) I’m not lovable, 2) my husband destroyed my self-esteem, 3) my children won’t forgive me, 4) I’m trapped in my job, etc. After working together for four sessions, she is beginning to love herself, connect deeply with her children, feel love from others, and take steps forward to grow her business. The future looks completely different and she is excited about fulfilling it. BUT!!! It took her hitting bottom and being sick of your own BULLSHIT to really make a change. It took her being batted around in the system a little bit for her to start to think there might be an alternative option for herself. It takes feeling irritated and annoyed and DONE with all this CRAP before she thought… “Hmmmm….maybe something else is POSSIBLE for me.” “Maybe it doesn’t have to be this way.” I’m here to tell you - when you get to that point of believing there is POSSIBILITY for you - THAT’s when the shit starts to change. That’s when things get good. That’s when you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel. Are you there yet? If not - no worries! I promise, these phases are ones we ALL have to go through before we GET WHAT WE WANT. If you’re there - and you’re ready to get what you want - then, let’s talk. I’ve been through ALL THE PHASES! I help people release past traumas and let go of negative emotions every day so that they can live with ease and true PEACE OF MIND. I can help you STOP feeling SAD, LONELY and RESIGNED - like a pinball at the mercy of other people and things being in control. I can help you CREATE a new experience of your life that allows you to GENERATE a new life moving forward. NOT a ONE SIZE FITS ALL-solution. Interested? Ready? Is this the year you give yourself the gift of FREEDOM? You probably had some goals for 2020 and unlike other years, some of them may have been turned upside down by the pandemic.
But if you think about it, no matter the circumstances, sometimes you hit your goals and sometimes you don’t. This has been an incredible year for me! I have met or exceeded my expectations in business growth, income, health, friendship and spiritual development! However, there have been other years that left me disappointed and disheartened. What’s important is that you learn from every experience and grow in a way that moves you forward in your life. When you have success, you forget to look at what you learned that led to the success. You just celebrate and hope you can sustain it. Equally, when you miss the mark, you beat yourself up but often forget to look at what you learned and implement that which could impact your results in the future. The process of reviewing your accomplishments, feeling pride in yourself, checking in with your regrets, determining what you learned, seeing what strengths you developed and acknowledging yourself and others leaves you with a sense of completion and an empty canvas to create the following year. I have designed a special worksheet to assist you in doing exactly this so that you can see what you have accomplished and begin to design your new year. You can download it here. End your year and begin 2021 in a strong, clear, powerful place. When you schedule your Free Psych-K session, you have already started to make a positive change in your life. "Working with Patti has been one of the most transformative eight weeks of my life. Through my work with Psych-K®, I was able to release old patterns and learned to love myself at a new level." Tonya Schedule yours now before the new year begins! One session really makes a HUGE change in your life. |
Patti LustigI am the owner of SageThink: Inner Alignment. I help people discover negative beliefs that hold them back in various areas of their lives and rewrite those beliefs so that they experience freedom and power to fulfill their dreams in life. Archives
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